Brain Practice Answers
May 2018
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Here are the answers to Brain Practice, May 2018
Which is the top view?
The answer is C.
How many words?
rue, rues, rug, rugs, ruse, sue, suer, sure, surge, urge, urges, use, user, erg, ergs
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What’s the Answer?
First line: 072 Second line: 398 Answer: 470
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We hurt without moving.
We poison without touching.
We bear the truth and the lies.
We are not to be judged by our size.
What am I? Answer: Words
500 is at my end and my start, yet 5 is at my heart.
The first letter and the first number make me complete.
My name is that of a king.
Who am I? Answer: David
DAVID. D=500, V=5, and I=1 (the first number). ‘A’ is the first letter of the alphabet.
Matchstick Puzzle
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