Brain Practice Answers

September 2017


Did you try each several times?

Here are the answers to Brain Practice,  September 2017


Can you think of an answer?

  1. During what month of the year does a talkative girl talk least? (Answer: February)
  2. Where can you find rivers with no water, cities with no buildings and forests with no trees?  (Answer: On a map)
  3. What kind of room has no doors or windows? (Answer: A mushroom.)
  4. Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out? (Answer: Just stop imagining! )
  5. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? (Answer: The letter ‘m’)
  6. How do a morning and evening end?  (Answer: With a ‘g’)

 Have fun with Logic 

Let the Ant = A
And the Bee = B

  • A + B = 10
  • B – A = 8
  • A + 8 + A = 10, therefore
  • 2A = 2 so
  • A = 1
  • 1 + B = 10, therefore
  • B = 9
  • 1 x 9 = 9

9  is the answer!

Can you Rescue the Washing? 

  • U = Up
  • D = Down
  • E = Enter door

Here we go:

  • U
  • E left
  • D
  • E left
  • U
  • U
  • E Right
  • U
  • E left
  • Cross the room
  • U
  • You’re on the roof in the rain!

Did you find another way??

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