You KNOW you should be doing regular exercises at home …..

but, truth be told, very few of us do them.

That’s why being part of a class makes sense.

Not only do you get appropriate instruction  – that’s great.


it also gives you accountability and an element of social interaction and fun.


ACC knows this (In New Zealand, Accident Compensation Corporation)

Lead agencies throughout the country now award accreditation to classes that benefit older adults in terms of improving their strength and balance.

You can join these, too (If you are over 65! – or caring for someone who is.)


Find a class to start improving your Strength and Balance.

Visit the website now to find a class near you.



And in the UK:
You will find links to classes on this website

LaterLife Training

There are MANY options in the USA, too. Can you suggest great ones?

Kris says:

 “Some is better than none and more is better than some”

Do you have suggestions for classes, comments, queries, tips or stories to share? Do help others by recording them below.

Exercise Specialist, Kris Tynan.

Watch out for more great exercise and lifestyle tips from Kris Tynan next month.