Memory Tune® Book Only


Improve your memory in minutes a day with the book version of the 14 sessions of Memory Tune®. While we recommend having the full online course, with the free downloads and additional challenges, we know it isn’t always possible for some readers. So this is the next best option!

Memory Tune® is a clinically-proven, self-paced memory improvement course specifically designed for all ages.

Memory Tune® – the book – includes:

  • 14 guided ‘days’ of memory training, designed by experienced educator Gillian Eadie and neuroscience expert Dr Allison Lamont
  • A glossy, print version of the Memory Tune® book, posted to you. (Partial postal charge added at checkout).
  • Email support from the Memory Tune® team if you need assistance
  • A full 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied
  • This course is designed as a companion to the Brainfit® for Life classes offered by Brainfit® coaches.

Note: Price is in New Zealand dollars

Did you know you spend an average of 16 precious minutes a day worrying about things you’ve forgotten?

That word, a phone number, a name, where you left your glasses . . .

Now you can put those minutes to better use. Learn how to banish forgetfulness. Be the one who remembers names, birthdays, where things are and whether the doors are locked!

The Memory Sisters’ clinically-proven Memory Tune® course is an effective, self-paced memory development experience for anyone over 40. It’s fun – and it works!

Memory Tune® stands out from other memory courses because it’s presented by The Memory Sisters – Gillian Eadie, a trained, experienced educator, and Dr Allison Lamont, a leading neuro-science expert. Allison clinically trialled all of the techniques used in Memory Tune® in her PhD. The results of her research showed significant improvement in participants’ memory after just seven weeks!

Gillian and Allison have been helping people just like you since 2008. Their courses, books and newsletters are accessed across more than 40 countries.

What can I expect from Memory Tune®?

In Memory Tune®, you’ll experience a clinically-proven boost to your memory, increased confidence in your ability to remember, and practical memory skills you can pass on to others.

Memory Tune®’s fun, practical memory modules are usually emailed to you twice a week over seven weeks for you to complete at your own pace and in your own home.

This is the printed copy of the Memory Tune® course. (Normally delivered, with extras, online).

During the 14 sessions of the course, your learning about memory will improve.

Memory Tune® includes:

  • Guided, step-by-step learning that develops and strengthens your memory
  • In-depth exercises that introduce you to the techniques and habits you need for good memory
  • Clinically-proven, fun practice activities that allow you to apply the techniques you learn
  • Clinically-backed information about what’s happening in your brain
  • Advice on lifestyle factors and strategies to support your memory and cognition
  • A hassle-free, 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Recovery of your own youthful memory!


John H.

I think the Memory Tune course is brilliant.

The material has been carefully thought through providing a balance of information, stimulation and user-friendliness. As I have learned and practiced what I can do to help me remember names, appointments etc., I have found myself with a new general feeling of alertness. ‘Memory Tunes’ is life-enriching!

John H., Auckland, NZ
Memory Tune™
Elizabeth A.

I really do have to thank you and Allison for everything you do in connection with keeping the brain fit.

The puzzles, the exercises, the information, the advice, the page layout and choice of print for the written material and all expressed in such a “nice” friendly, upbeat style.

Elizabeth A., Auckland, NZ
Memory Tune™
Diana V.

Tried out name recall using focus – connect-rehearse at an art auction. In each case I focussed on a specific facial characteristic, I immediately used their name back to them and connected them to some aspect of their art. I remembered their names and was able to use them as I said “Goodbye” at the end of the evening. Their reaction to hearing their name was definitely positive (not just for me!).

Diana V., CA, USA
Memory Tune™
Margaret Leslie

Your books and course are so full of hints and ‘how-to’ that I have made good strides towards improving my memory. I am 76 years and the improvements and confidence I have gained are huge. Thanks for giving me my life back. I’m no longer a wall flower. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Margaret Leslie, Auckland, NZ
Memory Tune™

Thank you once again. It is so positive and I feel the benefits of the puzzles. I believe my memory is better than it was, and one thing leads to another so I do a bit more physical exercise now too. The new knowledge and clues or charts for useful actions to assist in keeping tabs on things are amazing. Really just the positivity of the whole thing is a true gift!


I felt for me to benefit from the Memory Tune I needed to read it through each day to remind me again of how to remember different aspects. By consolidating each module that was sent it helped to be able to practice it in every day situations. So to remember this I needed to go over the tasks frequently. I found then too that I was better able to retain the activity to my advantage.

Memory Tune™
Bethany Johnson

I enjoyed the reaction I received and have continued to please myself when meeting new people. I am definitely more aware that I must concentrate to achieve this result. It’s a good feeling! Knowing that I, myself, have the ability to make this happen is very empowering.

Bethany Johnson, London, UK
Memory Tune™
Christine B.

I am finding it all quite a challenge but wish to tell you that I am absolutely loving it.  We are doing it together which is fabulous fun.  I feel that you have given me a new lease on life and am finding it hard to get to do much else.

Christine B., Auckland, NZ
Memory Tune™
Verena K.

I find myself getting more alert and conscious of what is happening in my brain: that all-important: focus, connect, rehearse. Maybe there really is hope for my memory yet! Thank you for your on-going support and encouragement.

Verena K., Auckland, NZ
Memory Tune™
Rev. John Hunt

‘I am thoroughly enjoying Memory Tune. It has become part of my day. I am already feeling more alert and confident. I can remember all the images and the words from the first Tune of a week ago!’

Rev. John Hunt, Canterbury, NZ
Memory Tune™
Randall J.

Before the golf club meeting, I visualized the people I might meet and ran their names through my mind. I could ‘see’ them. This helped me recognize people and their names quickly. I also used the focus – connect strategy when I met a new club member. I listened to his name, used it when I replied and introduced him to another friend almost straight away. It works – I proved it!

Randall J., WA, USA
Memory Tune™
Barbara Farrell

As a Senior Model, I am often called upon to memorize scripts for commercials and your work has so enriched my abilities and provided me with much more confidence when I get before the cameras. I also come from a long line of women who are known for their “forgetfulness” and I have learned the secrets as to just why this is so from reading the lessons you have provided for me.

Barbara Farrell, Florida, USA
Memory Tune™
Simon O’D.

I believe your course is a very important thing to have available as you age. Physical fitness is given a lot of importance, and mental fitness should be given just as much kudos.

Simon O'D. , Vic, Australia
Memory Tune™
Gwen Sadler

The Memory Tune™ course makes me aware of  USE IT OR LOSE IT.  I take Seven Second Memory on the train or bus some days as well. Thank you for your efforts on my behalf. I was getting lazy and just didn’t bother to remember. Now I do.

Gwen Sadler, Canterbury, NZ
Memory Tune™

I am getting better at remembering people’s names and basically I think my brain was getting lazy in retirement. I think the course was a much needed wake up call.

Memory Tune™
Nancy Young

There are so many pills and potions around which are supposed to help the brain it is refreshing to know that exercising the brain as you would your body is more beneficial with no negative side effects. The course was very helpful.

Nancy Young, Auckland, NZ
Memory Tune™

It’s lovely to be able to call people by name too. (And it pleases me to remember where I read or heard something.) Such small joys but they all add up. THANK YOU.

Beverley, Bay of Plenty, NZ
Memory Tune™
Dorothy. B

Already I feel much less worried about fading memory. The course has made me aware of some techniques I already use such as placing car keys in the same place. It is great – I love it. Have made notes of the 7 methods and will carry that in my purse for referral at spare moments. Thanks a million.’

Dorothy. B, BC, Canada
Memory Tune™


Memory Tune Course clinical trial results show remarkable improvements

Memory Tune Course clinical trial results

How do I know Memory Tune® works?
The pilot clinical trial results show significant improvement in participants’ memory after just seven weeks. These results can be yours, too!

Can I get Memory Tune® in print?
Yes, you can! This is the print version of Memory Tune® (usually included with your online training.)

How much time do I need to make a difference to my memory?
Research says you need 15 hours, over 8 weeks, to create a new habit.

It’s also helpful to have scaffolding to assist habit formation. Memory Tune® gives you the best chance of success by combining twice-weekly emails with longer reading materials to support your learning.

How much effort is required?
The trick is to put in a small amount of effort on a regular basis. Training is done in private, in your own time, meaning you can work at your own pace. The regular course emails bring you extra practice, tips and giveaways – and they ensure that you get graded practice over time. This is the key to effectively developing your memory.

Can I get my money back if Memory Tune® is not for me?
You have absolute security with our 30 Day, 100%, No-Hassle Money Back Guarantee 30 day money back guarantee

If you want to get started with Memory Tune but are worried that it might not be right for you, that’s OK, we understand!

We are 100% confident that Memory Tune® works and we want to give you a stress-free opportunity to begin growing your youthful, alert memory.

Enrol today, and if for any reason you’re not happy with the course, you have our complete money-back guarantee.

Who can I talk to about Memory Tune®?
To discuss whether Memory Tune® is right for you or set up a personal progress plan, email Gillian.

We look forward to hearing from you!