Frequently Asked Questions
Which brain training is best for me?
There are several ways to begin your memory training.
Memory Tune™
Our online memory course, Memory Tune™ is validated and University-tested. It comes to you via email twice a week for seven weeks so you have the opportunity to complete the tasks in your own home and in your own time. Memory Tune™ covers all the vital memory types and gives you a range of practical tips and strategies as well as showing you clearly how memory works along with plenty of practice to help your grow & strengthen your memory.
Memory Tune™ is accompanied by a printed workbook and ongoing newsletters to support good brain and memory health now and in the future.
“I think the Memory Tune course is brilliant. The material has been carefully thought through providing a balance of information, stimulation and user friendliness. As I have learned and practiced what I can do to help me remember names, appointments etc., I have found myself with a new general feeling of alertness. ‘Memory Tunes’ is life-enriching!” John B-H.
Brain Fit For Life™
Brainfit for Life classes are face-to-face training in very convivial workshops where you are personally taught by an Accredited Brainfit.World Coach. Sessions last for 90mins and are held either over 4 weeks or two half days. Follow-up tasks and emails help with motivation. Again there is ongoing support through the newsletters which are always packed with information and memory activities.
Click here to see if there is an upcoming Brainfit for Life class near you or email us to register your interest for a future class.
“I am finding it all quite a challenge but wish to tell you that I am absolutely loving it. Doing it together which makes it fun. I feel that you have given me a new lease on life and am finding it hard to get to do much else. You haven’t only given me techniques – you’ve given me hope!” Margaret
Brainfit At Work™
Our newest programme Brainfit At Work helps to build and strengthen brain connections, which serve as a valuable buffer against memory loss, brain overload and burnout, regardless of age. Hosted by a trained facilitator, these interactive 2-hour workshops can be tailored to suit the needs of your organisation with a focus on the basics of how the brain ‘works’, why overload affects our memory and provision of practical strategies for building work practices that support and nurture your brain. To book a workshop for your team today, email us or contact Jude Walter on +64 27 286 3961
“I wanted to again extend my gratitude for the remarkable Brainfit At Work session you led at the Summit. Your session was undeniably one of the highlights for so many of us, and it left a lasting impact on all those who attended. Your ability to distil complex concepts into practical takeaways was truly impressive. The insights you shared during the Brainfit session resonated with each of us on a personal and professional level. It was as if a lightbulb had illuminated, revealing new perspectives and actionable strategies that we can implement to better ourselves. The session was not just informative; it was transformative – It sparked a renewed sense of curiosity and a commitment to lifelong learning. We walked away with actionable steps that we can incorporate into our daily lives to enhance our cognitive fitness and overall well-being so thank you for sharing your expertise and insights with us in such a relatable and impactful way.” Emily Ingoe, Sales Excellence Manager, Lion NZ
What's the difference between Memory Tune™ and the 7-Day Brain Boost Plan?
The glossy paperback book, 7 Day Brain Boost Plan, provides a detailed, step-by-step plan to help readers develop a lifestyle that is conducive to brain health and a strong and healthy memory.
The 14-issue Memory Tune™, is the premium online memory course, not a book. Memory Tune™ is delivered via email and two issues are sent each week. Each takes about one hour to complete. These sessions are full of memory information and tips and strategies that will bring improvement and confidence to memory. This course has been tried and tested in university-based studies and people who have used it have found it very helpful indeed.
The 7-Day Brain Boost Plan and the Memory Tune™ course complement each other and many people use both to great effect.
How do I fill in the Memory Check form??
The form can like a brain test in itself, I know!
This is a picture of what we are talking about but it is not the actual form!
(You receive that when you begin your Brain Tune™ mini-course.)
When you receive this form with your first session of Brain Tune ™, most of it can be done on the screen;the only adding you need to do yourself is to add the totals across the bottom row.
To make it work for you, here is what you need to do.
1, When you choose the rating (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) that most applies to your memory performance, you type that number in the column (also titled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
2. The columns then total up automatically on the bottom line.
3. Then you add those total across the bottom line to get your score
4. Once you have your score, then you can check out what the score means at
I am happy to talk you through this process over the phone if that is easier for you. Gillian +64 9 528 7393
Let me know via email if you would like me to call you.
Is Memory Tune™ the same as Lumosity?
The Memory Tune™ course is quite a bit different from the tasks you find on Lumosity because Memory Tune™ comprises actual brain training techniques (based on the PhD research of Dr. Allison Lamont.)
If you already do Lumosity games, they are excellent for stimulating your brain. Their tasks are generic for all ages and any activities like this are definitely is worthwhile.
Memory Tune™ however focuses on the particular strategies you need to remember well once the inevitable memory changes occur after the age of 50+. The free mini-course (Brain Tune™) will give you an idea of the difference between Lumosity and Memory Tune™. Have you tried it? If not, get Brain Tune™ here.
We hope you will feel inspired to take your memory strategies to the next level of remembering with the premium course Memory Tune™.
Will Brain Fit for Life™ classes be available in other places?
Brain Fit for Life™ classes are available in Auckland, Whangarei, Pukekohe and Wellington at present. More Brain Fit Coaches are being trained and we hope that an Accredited Coach will be coming to your area soon.
If you are interested in a class where you are or are considering becoming a Brain Fit Coach, call Gillian Eadie +64 9 528 7393 or email her.
Interested in becoming a Brain Fit for Life™ Coach?
Can I pay for courses by credit card without a Paypal account?
Yes! Follow these easy steps.
Payments for Healthy Memory Company Ltd (Memory.Foundation) are made at PayPal, but you do not need to own a PayPal account to pay: you may enter your credit card’s data directly at PayPal and complete your payment. You don’t need to register a PayPal account either.
Once you get redirected to PayPal, just do as follows:
1. Make sure the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” option is selected
If your PayPal page looks as follows, just click on “Don’t have a PayPal account?”
2. Enter your credit card’s data
Address, email & phone number may also be requested depending on your country.
When you are done, click on “Review and Continue”.
3. Click on “Pay Now”
4. Click on “No, Thanks”
5. Finally, if you are purchasing an eBook, click on “DOWNLOAD”
You will then be redirected back to to finally download your eBook.
If you have purchased a paperback copy of 7-Day Brain Boost Plan, as soon as your payment comes through, your book will be in the mail. You will receive a receipt telling you that has happened.
If you have purchased Memory Tune™, as soon as your payment comes through, Gillian will send you your first brain training session.
If you are a New Zealand resident, there are two other options for payment.
Internet banking: Transfer $34.99 to the Memory Foundation bank account.
Details you will need: Healthy Memory Company Ltd, 12-3428-0051208-00, ASB
Posting us a cheque for $34.99 + 25c cheque fee:
Address for cheque: 20 Glen Atkinson St, St Heliers, Auckland 1071
If you need further help, call Gillian +64 9 528 7393 or email her.