About the Memory Tune™ Course.

Now you are ready for Memory Tune™


Congratulations on completing the free mini-course!

You have been introduced to the ways to get
with a sharp memory.

You know it takes TIME to create great memory habits, though.

Research says you need 15 hours
Over 8 weeks
To create a new habit.

And Memory Tune™ has been created
So that you will gain the skills and practice you need
To create those brain and memory habits.

Memory Tune™ is designed for the 50+ age group.
Memory Tune™ has been clinically trialled.
Memory Tune™ is receiving fantastic feedback from customers!

NO-ONE enjoys forgetful moments.

You spend precious minutes worrying about times you have forgotten –
a word, a phone number, a name ….

Put those minutes to good use!
Learn how to banish forgetfulness Right Now.

You CAN be youthful, confident and carefree.

HOW can you do this?


Memory Tune™.


$ 169.00

  • USD: $ 104.06
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Memory Tune has been designed so that you will improve:

  • Working with words – for cross-worders, Scrabble players and those who love verbal challenges
  • When there are no words – helping you with maps, shapes, spaces and visual concepts
  • Mind juggling – helping your memory manipulate facts and ideas to solve problems
  • Remembering to remember – never forget appointments, medication, birthdays or hiding places again!
  • Keeping details and lists in mind – strengthen your short-term memory
  • Know the face AND name – recognize faces and recall names with ease


The total premium course is just $169.00


$ 169.00

  • USD: $ 104.06
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With these skills and strategies, you’ll have

Peace of mind

You will have
given your mind and memory the best possible training.

Does it work? YES!

See the pilot clinical trial results.

After JUST SEVEN WEEKS, look at the improvements! (The dark blue bars show the results).
These results can be yours, too.

Results After Seven Weeks. (2012)

What do our customers say?

‘There are so many pills and potions around which are supposed to help the brain it is refreshing to know that exercising the brain as you would your body is more beneficial with no negative side effects.’ Joan

‘I felt for me to benefit from the Memory Tune I needed to read it through each day to remind me again of how to remember different aspects. By consolidating each module that was sent it helped to be able to practice it in every day situations. So to remember this I needed to go over the tasks frequently. I found then too that I was better able to retain the activity to my advantage.’ Frank

‘I am getting better at remembering people’s names and basically I think my brain was getting lazy in retirement. I think the course was a much needed wake up call.’ Colin.

‘Now I find myself doing tasks on most days such as
adding up figures in my head instead of using the calculator.’ Joy

You have tried our free Brain Tune™, course. So, is there any point in doing this one?

Of course there is!
The free, mini-course was just a taster of the in-depth programme.

In Memory Tune™, you will learn:

  • what is happening for each of the memory skills you learn
  • in-depth exercises to ensure you master the habits you need
  • everyday practice in applying the techniques you learn
  • enough knowledge to ensure your understanding
  • lifestyle factors and strategies to support your healthy brain
  • confidence in your own memory ability and the skill to assist others

And, of course, you’ll have on-going support and personal interest  from Dr. Allison Lamont and Gillian Eadie.

We want YOU to succeed.

For all of this training, you would expect the price to be several hundred dollars – and we have been told that is what it should be. However, we are so keen to have everyone with confident memory skills for independent living in older age, we have kept the price to the bare minimum ……


$ 169.00

  • USD: $ 104.06
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Start the full premium Memory Tune™. NOW.


Would you like us to give you a call about the courses? Just send Gillian an email with how to contact you so we can discuss your personal progress plan and what will be best for you.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Ina & JudeBrainfit.World Directors & Coaches