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Thank you for purchasing ‘Seven Second Memory: Memory Techniques that will Change Your Life’. Your book will come to you by standard post so keep an eye out for it in the coming days. 

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We would like to congratulate you on taking this proactive step in your brain health journey. Based on the responses we have had we’re certain that you will enjoy this easy-to-read guide that will come to you via email as a PDF, so make sure you save it in a safe place (that you can remember!) so you can refer to it again in the future.

Make sure you set aside some time regular to practice these techniques and use them in your everyday life to give your brain & memory the regular workout it requires

Please stay in touch and remember to keep checking our website for new cognitive health articles and memory tips.

Kindest regards

Jude Walter & Ina Meeten
Brainfit® World Directors & Co-Owners