What have you been doing during Lockdown?

These cartoon characters are not Brain Tuners, that’s for sure!!

We want to know what YOU have been doing to keep your brain sharp – and also, what you’ve been doing to keep sane during these Lockdown days.

Here are two recently sent to us (reproduced with permission).

Margaret reads our newsletters and said:

“I enjoyed your talk months ago, and bought the book. I find I have not time to do all your exercises, as mine seems a very occupied existence, doing nothing particularly well, as my parents left behind in UK used to say. I am not interested in doing stuff for the sake of it, I suppose I am resistant to all types of organised thinking, and I hate doing physical exercises at home too. I went to the gym because it was necessary to have the machines to stretch my arm and shoulder, I have tried Pilates way back in my time, and found the Reformatting very helpful. It seems impossible to get the results without being somewhat forced! (I have had shoulder injuries and then the break to the humerus a couple of years ago.)

I was inured to the thought of a restricted winter because I have lung problems, and the thought of flu was hazard enough, without the horror of the coronavirus. As it is, we have escaped the worst but the virus will be lurking somewhere and my age group is super fragile. Last winter after having my usual virus, and with the frightful cold wind afterwards, I virtually went into lockdown by myself because everyone was coughing, sneezing, or thinking they just had a cold, any of which was dangerous for me. So it was mid October before I went to any meetings or ventured out without a mask. I pin a double thickness of strong cotton inside my ordinary mask, and put on that several drops of Manuka Oil (or Thieves Oil now I have that too), and that not only prevented the moisture of breathing damaging the mask but put a layer of viral killer between me and the outside world, like the supermarket or Vegetable shops.

I now look forward to surviving this winter, thanks to Foodbox, children peering at me over the banisters of the deck to make sure I am alive, and putting extra supplies on the deck. I have a lot to do here with my own vacuuming and the telephone, cell phone, and my computer, which enables me to write all over the world, and keep in touch with anyone and anything. When it is fine I am out up the road with my Nordic poles, to keep my muscles going, and my breathing, and when we go into Level 2 I shall, if it is dry, go over to the park with my dog.

Anyway, I thought you might like to know how one old codger is managing,
Thank you for all your work, I do enjoy reading the newsletters.

We enjoy your letters, too, Margaret!!!


And this great account, posted on our website from Mary after reading Explore the Brain from last month.


Gosh, doesn’t time fly!  I chanced to look over my shoulder and saw the footprints of my journey last year treading seamlessly into 2020.
Last year I made a commitment to myself to continue practising the exercises laid out in 7 Day Brain Boost Plan (how to become Brain fit for life).  Initially resolution was required.  It alerted me to the fact I would need more patience!! !, consequently leading me to rewarding achievements.    But now, I relish the workout to achieve goals set out.

For instance, one evening while preparing dinner, I went to the fridge to gather some vegetables.  I spied a covered plate.  What’s this?  Spontaneously I reached in to seize the moment.

“Stop” shrieked Resolute, “Use your Brain!”  Resolutely I shut the fridge door and padded back to the pantry.  Two peeled- carrots later it came to me.  Remnants of my Apple and apricot shortcake I had made two days previous.  What an excellent two-fold discovery.

Firstly, I consciously made the decision to give myself time to remember and secondly we had a lovely piece of shortcake for dessert. This and  many more instances have emerged from my daily brain workout, leading to simple but satisfying achievements. Memorising lists comes to mind and I definitely make an effort with remembering names, which actually was lazy behaviour on my part.

Most importantly, this book has helped move doubts that can assail from time to time.  I can say I feel more confident and in control from asserting myself to change some “habits of a lifetime”.

There is a saying isn’t there, “Old habits die hard”.  Not so, I believe, if you take this book seriously


Isn’t that amazing? Brain tips in practice! thank you, Mary ……


So now we want to hear from you! Do share in the comments below ……