‘Memory Sisters’ in the News

‘Memory Sisters’ in the News

Did you see this article? Gillian Eadie and Dr. Allison Lamont were featured in the New Zealand Herald recently. The five selected SheEO ventures were described and the Herald photographer spent half an hour or so getting the exact image he wanted. Gillian and Allison...
Will taking a photograph help you to remember?

Will taking a photograph help you to remember?

Do you come back from holiday with your camera loaded with photographs?  You will remember everything, right? WRONG! Research says that sometimes taking a photograph makes it harder to remember a great view or experience. Why is this? Is it because we give less...
Do Brain Exercises Help with Dementia?

Do Brain Exercises Help with Dementia?

One of our Brain Tuners asked this question and I thought many of you would be interested in Memory Specialist, Dr Allison Lamont’s answer. Today I found out that my friend has dementia. Would it be worthwhile for her to do some ‘brain tuning...
How Music Makes You Spend.

How Music Makes You Spend.

The magic of the music seems to light the way. JOHN LENNON, Intuition It mightn’t be Lennon’s music that ‘lights your way’ but there is a 99% chance that some sequence of musical sounds will. Music is right up there with sex and eating as one of life’s greatest...