Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

In 2016, the oldest of the baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, turned 70 years old.  Until the financial crisis, there had never been a better time in history to be 70. Boomers as a generation are more wealthy, living more interesting lives and...
Will I get Alzheimer’s too?

Will I get Alzheimer’s too?

“I will be turning sixty-five in a couple of months and the thought of any kind of dementia scares the living daylights out of me.” ‘I am 62 years old and really concerned as the life of the mind is everything to me.’ Have YOU ever felt like...
Is It Alzheimer’s?

Is It Alzheimer’s?

What’s Normal and What’s Not? Many people over the age of 50 (and maybe even younger) experience mild forgetfulness. Although these are a wake-up call to pay attention to your brain and memory, if the forgetfulness includes: • Forgetting parts of an experience •...