We have recorded your vote for Don’t Lose Your Memory!, the eBook for busy people. Written by memory expert, Dr Allison Lamont and experienced educator, Gillian Eadie, this ebook has a business theme with strategies, tips and examples of ways to improve your brain and memory at work.
EBook Price $9.99
Book contents cover: How memory works and why your forget, how to teach your brain to remember, memory tips and strategies, the six critical memory skills, tips for managing your lifestyle and appendices covering nutrients yo need – and much more is contained in the 116 pages!
Book contents: How memory works and why your forget, how to teach your brain to remember, memory tips and strategies, the six critical memory skills, tips for managing your lifestyle and appendices covering nutrients yo need – and much more is contained in the 116 pages!
Don’t Lose Your Memory! is also available as a real book from Amazon.com
(Please note: If this product is the most popular, we won’t be able to discount the Amazon price, only the eBook).
Price from Amazon.com 29.95
Watch out to see if this will be the item to be discounted next month!