Worksheet Answers.

Hello there

We hope you tried every strategy before coming to find the answers!

Memory Strategies Worksheet 10.

Word list:
blur, blurs, bur, burl, burls, bus, lur, lurs, rub, rubs, slub, slur, sub, urbs

Code puzzle:
To break the code, write the letters of the alphabet A to Z across the paper. Under them, write the letters of the alphabet Z to A. Find each letter in the sentence in the bottom, reversed, line and substitute the letter above it.

First spy: ‘Did you get my photos of the enemy’s secret weapon?’

Second spy: ‘Yes, you chump! It turned out to be a plan for a new electric beater!”

Rearrange the Number Square:

First row: 8, 3, 4

Second row: 1, 5, 9

Third row: 6, 7, 2

How can this be?
The letter was delivered to John Underwood, Andover, England (i.e. JOHN under WOOD and over ENGLAND)

How did you go with all of the dogs? And the jumbled spelling?


Memory Strategies Worksheet 9.

ant, ante, ate, eat, kea, ken, neat, net, take, taken, tan, tank, tea, teak, ten

Odd One Out?
The clock showing 10.35. All three others show even time blocks (2 pm, 1.10pm, 9.20 pm)

What time is it now?
It is 9:00 P.M., two hours later would make it 11:00 P.M. with one hour to midnight and one hour later would make it 10:00 P.M. with two hours to midnight.

What’s the correct time?
Clock B shows the correct time (12 hours & 25 minutes.) A and C are out by 15 minutes (12 hours and 10 minutes; 12 hours and 40 minutes); D is 30 minutes fast (12 hours and 55 minutes)

The others we have left up to you!


Memory Strategies Worksheet 8.

Prediction: Your result will be 18

  • Think of a number.
  • Add 7 to it.
  • Subtract 2.
  • Subtract your original number.
  • Multiply by 4.
  • Subtract 2.


This problem gives the illusion of guessing an unknown number, but the unknown has been cancelled mathematically.

( X + 7 – 2 – X ) × 4 – 2 = 18

Solve the Sequence

(NB: * represents the x(multiplication) symbol)


1st 2 digits = 1st numeral * 2nd numeral (= a for example)
next 2 digits = 1st numeral * 3rd numeral (= b for example)
last 2 digits = a+b – (minus) the middle numeral

The Jewellery Box

If you said $10.00 Dollars, you are wrong! It is not that simple.

This is a problem that requires setting up two equations with two unknowns to find the answer.

The box (B) plus the ring (R) cost $200.00 Dollars:

B + R = 200

The jewellery box is valued at $190.00 Dollars more than the ring, i.e., the price of the box (B) is equal to the price of the ring (R) plus $190.00 Dollars:

B = R + 190

Now we can substitute the right side of the second equation in the first equation and solve for R.

R + 190 + R = 200
2 R = 200 – 190
2 R = 10
R = 10/2
R = 5

The ring is worth $5.00 Dollars.

The price of the box is $190.00 plus $5.00, which is $195.00 Dollars, and the box plus the ring add up to $200.00. So, everything checks out.

How Many Handshakes?

With two people (A and B), there is one handshake
(A with B).

With three people (A, B, and C), there are three handshakes
(A with B and C;   B with C).

With four people (A, B, C, and D), there are six handshakes
(A with B, C, and D;   B with C and D;   C with D).

In general, with n+1 people, the number of handshakes is the sum of the first n consecutive numbers: 1+2+3+ … + n.

Since this sum is n(n+1)/2, we need to solve the equation n(n+1)/2 = 66.

This is the quadratic equation n2+ n -132 = 0. Solving for n, we obtain 11 as the answer and deduce that there were 12 people at the party.

Since 66 is a relatively small number, you can also solve this problem with a hand calculator. Add 1 + 2 = + 3 = +… and so on until the total is 66. The last number that you entered (11) is n.

Which image uses the shapes?

The Answer is Option 1.

The Maths Class problem


If there are 20 physics students who all take mathematics, and half of the mathematics students study physics, there must be 40 students in the mathematics class. If half of the 30 literature students take mathematics, then 15 of them take mathematics. Since none of the literature students study physics, only five students in the mathematics class study neither physics nor literature.


Memory Strategies Worksheet 7.

Exercise Your Working Memory:
The answer is 8.
The underlying logic is called The Principle of Persistence where the digits of a number are multiplied together to get another number.

Floral Anagrams: crocus, lotus, rose, aster, mimosa, primrose, gentian, gardenia

Same Spelling, Different Meaning: fair, leaves, right

How Many Ways? There are six different arrangements possible.

There are 3 possibilities for the green tea.′
2 different possibilities for the berry smoothie.
Just one possibility for the lemon-lime drink.

3 x 2 x 1 = 6.  This kind of problem is called a Permutation.

Word Building L B A S E:
abs, able, alb, albs, ale, ales, bale, bales, bas, base, blasé, lab, labs, lase, lea, leas, sable, sale, sea, seal, slab


Memory Strategies Worksheet 6.

Create a Sum

5 x 4 – 3 + 1 divided by 2 – 6 = 3

How Many Handshakes?

There are 5 possibilities:


Three Digits:

Each spot on the display can show 1, 2 or 3 or be blank.  This means it can show:

  • three different one digit numbers (3)
  • Nine different 2 digit numbers ( 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33) and
  • 27 different 3-digit numbers: 111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 133, 211, 212, 213, 221, 222, 223, 231, 232, 233, 311, 312, 313, 321, 322, 323, 331, 332, 333.
  • That’s a total of 39 numbers.

Word Building

Are, dare, dear, ear, era, had, hard, hare, hared, head, hear, heard, her, herd, rad, read, red, rhea. Did you find any more?


Memory Strategies Worksheet 5.

Working with Numbers – just the addition!

1.   640        11.  342    21. 577          31.   498        41.    513
2.  402        12.  539     22. 428        32.   608       42.    515
3.   597        13.  510     23. 464        33.   431        43.    603
4.  636        14.  582     24.  623       34.    617       44.    473
5.  288        15.   601     25.  430       35.    598      45.    608
6.  507        16.   364     26.  611        36.    580      46.    255
7.   620       17.   484     27.  613        37.    462      47.     637
8.   582       18.   626     28.  489      38.   607       48.     620
9.   283       19.   379     29. 527        39.   640       49.    560
10.  332      20.   549     30.  456      40.   258       50.    481

 Dorothy’s teasers:

1. Charcoal, as it is used in barbecuing.

2. The letter “e” which is the most common letter used in the English language, does not appear even once in the paragraph.

Lotti’s diagram:






Help! What’s the number?

The possible number of combinations (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) is 5040. So the man has 1 in 5040 chances of dialling the right number (about .02 per cent). He may still be dialling!

Moving the Digits

26 (two to the power of 6) – 63 = 1 (Unfortunately, the editor will not allow me to show you this correctly – should be a large ‘2’ and the ‘6’ in small script!)

What’s the logic?

If you pull the thread up at a sharp angle, a tension (torque) is created that turns the spool away from you. If you pull the thread instead at a shallower angle, the opposite tension (torque) is created and the cotton reel will roll towards you.

Word Building: E  S  L  A  P

ale, ales, alp, ape, apes, apse, asp, lap, laps, lapse, lea, leap, leaps, leas, pal, pale, pales, pals, pas, pea, peal, peals, plea, pleas, sale, sap, sea, seal, sepal, slap, spa …any others??


Brain and Memory Foundation Worksheet 4.

Words and numbers, Working Memory

1   3    2    1/5  3   45 minutes   4 13.25    5   $40   6  12%

Word Power

E    G   L   D   A :age, aged, ale, dag, dale, deal, egad, gad, gal, gale, gel, geld, glad, glade, lad, lade, lag, lea, lead, led, leg


Move the cards: Swap the 8 and 9 then turn the 9 upside down so it reads as a 6 – then both columns reach 18.

The dinner guests:

  1. Mary, Denis, Kitty
  2. Mark, Emma, John
  3. James, Kate, Betty
  4. Mary, Mark, James
  5. Denis, Emma, Kate
  6. Kitty, John, Betty
  7. Mary, Emma, Betty
  8. Kitty, Emma, James
  9. Denis, John, James
  10. Kitty, Mark, Kate
  11. Mary, John, Kate
  12. Denis, Mark, Betty

Dorothy’s teasers:

1.    Punctuate the following:
that that is is that that is not is not is not that so
Answer:-   That that is, is. That that is not , is not. Is not that so?

2.    Message suited to today’s texters.
Answer.  Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me.

Cheese puzzle:

The cheese is cut twice vertically (forms a cross) and once horizontally right through the height of the cheese.


Brain and Memory Foundation Worksheet 3.

Working with numbers: Email me if you need the answers – there are a lot to write up here!

How can this be?

  1. Five people came past the basket and took one egg; then the sixth person picked up the basket with the egg still in the basket! (A tricky one …)
  2. The recluse was a lighthouse keeper (I guess nearly everyone guessed that one!)

Colour pairs:

  1. Yellow yellow;     green, green
  2. Yellow, red;         green, yellow
  3. Yellow, green;     green, red
  4. Yellow, blue;       green, blue
  5. Red, red;              blue, blue
  6. Red, yellow;         blue, yellow
  7. Red, green;          blue, red
  8. Red, blue;            blue, green

Use your verbal and working memory:

Here are the letters again: A S C R H

Arc, arch, arcs, ash, car, cars, cash, char, chars, crash, has, rash, sac, scar

Did you find any more? Let me know!


Brain and Memory Foundation Worksheet 2.

1. den, doe, dole, don, done, end, eon, led, lend, lode, loden, lone, nod, node, ode, old, olden, ole, one – did you find any others?

3. First 4 columns not included – you’ll be able to work those out! Here are the answers to the final column:
238 + 127 – 49 = 316
17 – 11 + 16 = 22
4 x 13 – 7 + 9 = 54
3 x 15 – 17 + 3 = 31
7 + 37 + 108 = 152
573 + 904 ÷ 7 = 211
37 + 88 – 6 = 119
732 x 15 – 19 = 10961
489 x 4 ÷ 6 = 326
111 x 11 + 111 ÷ 11 = 12321

5. The Torn Cheque. Here’s one solution.
The man had ordered a bicycle for his son as a gift. The advertisement had not stated that it came in 217 pieces as a self-assembly kit. This was his revenge!


Brain and Memory Foundation Worksheet 1.

1. Bleak, beak, leak, kale, bale, ale, lea, lab, lake, bake, balk (yes, it’s allowed!), kea (NZ). Any others??

2. If you remembered 8 – 10 words, well done! Your short-term memory is functioning at a high level. Remembering 6 – 7 words is in the normal range. If you remembered less than that, short-term memory practice will produce pleasing results.

3. Mental arithmetic solutions.

43 + 28 = 76
83 – 47 = 36
7 x 17 = 119
68 divided by 4 = 17
6 x 3 divided by 2 plus 7 – 9 = 7
438 + 585 = 1023
647 – 369 = 278
13 x 67 = 871
324 divided by 27 = 12
2387 + 6844 = 9231
38 x 723 = 27474
28 + 54 – 18 x 2 divided by 6 = 21.3
67394 + 48617 = 116011
365 x 846 = 308790

4. Non-Verbal Memory.Did you remember them all? Well done! Remembering 4-5 shapes accurately is in the normal range.

5. James is an infant who is Crown Prince of his country. James’ father, the King, has just died leaving a very inexperienced new head of state!