Age 40 Is When Busy Americans Get the Least Sleep

Neuroscience Articles June 14, 2022   Summary: Sleep efficiency dips for most around age 40, increasing again at around age 50. Researchers say that for most aged 60 and older, sleep duration increases. Source: Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University A...

Avocados – are they good for my Brain?

Yes! Avocados are great brain food, in moderation. (See more about this below). What you eat affects how well you think. Just as your body needs to be in peak condition as you approach your 40’s and 50’s, to have a memory that keeps growing and never lets you down,...

Have you tried these Balancing Tips?

Maintaining proper balance at any age requires attention, strength, and flexibility. One skill that can sharply decline with age, though, and often with little warning, is your sense of balance. “As people age, changes in flexibility, muscle strength and power,...

10 signs of hearing loss you don’t want to ignore.

Have you noticed any of these? About half of people 75 and older have lost 35 decibels or more of hearing — the point at which a hearing aid is needed. But it can be tough to tell when someone’s hearing is starting to go, even (or especially) if that someone is...

The 4 Worst Habits for Your Brain

These have the greatest effect on cognitive function. Many habits contribute to poor brain health, but four areas can have the most influence. They are too much sitting, lack of socializing, inadequate sleep, and chronic stress. “The good news is that they also...