Hearing well helps keep us active, independent, involved and healthy. If you have a hearing loss it’s important to wear your hearing aids every day for best benefit and to help your brain get used to the sound and acclimatize. Summer Maintenance Tips: Hearing aids...
Mike has an amazing story to tell. 80 years old and still achieving way above many half his age! Read how Mike keeps his mind sharp and active. ‘I am not academic. I left school at fifteen, as young people raised in country towns did in the 1950’s. I have...
Brainfit Coaches and speakers are asked a lot of questions! Dr Allison Lamont continues her series where she answers common queries. (And you can ask your own questions below, too.) 3. Why can’t I remember young people but have no trouble with people my age? I am an...
2018 is the 125th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in New Zealand. As part of the celebrations, Jo Brothers is recording a series of interviews with prominent women in New Zealand – ‘Giant Sisters’. Gillian Eadie is one of them and here you can...
I have been worried about dementia since my sixties. At 75 I found I was losing keys, couldn’t remember the names of books, authors and people, constantly mislaid things and couldn’t remember places or events. If I was this bad at 75 – what would I be like if I lived...
From the Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org) This Brain Tour examines the key functions of the brain then the slide sequence moves into how the brain is affected by Alzheimer’s disease. (Note: Alzheimer’s disease is one of the pathways to...