How does your brain ‘learn’?

How does your brain ‘learn’?

All your life, you have been learning. You know how to do an amazing array of things – some you won’t have thought about for years! (But that knowledge is till there, just waiting to be needed again ….) You take your brain – and how it learns...
Improve your walking gait with Kris Tynan

Improve your walking gait with Kris Tynan

The Clam is favorite exercise of physios and Pilates instructors for a very good reason. Buttock and hip muscles can become a little lazy and the way you walk and run can reveal all! A classic ‘hip hitch’ gait develops to compensate for the hip muscles, particularly...
6 Best Ways to Conquer Stress.

6 Best Ways to Conquer Stress.

You know the feeling …. Breathing is shallow, so oxygen gets into your blood quickly. The heart races, carrying oxygen and fuel to the muscles. You perspire, cooling the body because immediate action is required. There is  a queasy feeling as your stomach slows...
Top 5 Memory Tips for You.

Top 5 Memory Tips for You.

Get these right and you’ll remember everything you need. Did you know that your brain is designed to forget? That’s right, to forget! No, it’s not a misprint – your brain is working hard all day forgetting things so that you are not having a brain overload...
How to make Memory Traces.

How to make Memory Traces.

What are Memory Traces? If you find something new you want to remember later, firstly you need to pay close attention to the details. Then. using repetition, actions or taking a ‘mental photograph’ you connect what you need to remember in as many ways as...
Do Memory Games Work?

Do Memory Games Work?

Did you know that 67% of New Zealanders play video games?48% of video game players are female.43% of people aged 65 and over play video games.Memory Foundation games featured in the 2015 Digital New Zealand study and some surprising results were discovered. Watch the...