Great news from Professor A. David Smith, University of Oxfordheart-and-brain-health

Twenty years ago, the catch-cry was ‘eat well and take exercise to keep your heart healthy’.

Do you remember that?

You might still be making those lifestyle changes!

If you have,

You have been reducing your risk of dementia!

In 1991, based on the prevalence of dementia and the expected population growth, researchers for the UK Medical Research Council predicted that 884.000 people in England and Wales would have dementia twenty years later. Read the study in The Lancet

They found only 670,000.

That’s 214,000 fewer cases than predicted – a 24% decline

The healthier lifestyle for heart health improved brain health as well.

The message for us?

  1. Eat healthy food.
  2. Walk 20 – 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
  3. Challenge your brain every day!

More reading: We can prevent Alzheimer’s, Will I get Alzheimer’s too?