10 Habits for a Healthy Brain

10 Habits for a Healthy Brain

1. Find out about your brain and you can make the most of your brain powers. Knowing that your brain is a constantly-developing miracle with bil­lions of neu­rons and synapses will encourage you to take important steps to keep it flourishing.   2. Take care of...
Can you sidestep Alzheimer’s?

Can you sidestep Alzheimer’s?

A recent international survey, reports Harvard Health, identified Alzheimer’s as the second most feared disease, behind cancer. It’s no wonder. Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by progressive damage to nerve cells and their connections. The result is devastating...
Preventing Alzheimer’s

Preventing Alzheimer’s

Considerable research into the causes and effects of Alzheimer’s disease is being conducted world-wide. This has been on-going ever since Alois Alzheimer first described the disease in 1906. Even so, there is still no cure. There have been positive advances into ways...