‘Brain Overload’ Survival Plan

‘Brain Overload’ Survival Plan

Stop! My brain’s full! Is information-overload getting you down? Your brain feels sluggish, fatigued and you start forgetting things. And you can’t fit in one more thing? That’s brain overload. Overload occurs when you receive more information than...
What’s His Name Again?

What’s His Name Again?

Remember the days when you knew everyone’s name instantly? And recognized faces without a problem? In those days, you never seemed to have to struggle for clues – you just knew. You were probably about 14! Actually, until you find yourself searching frantically for a...
It’s a Mental Block – My Mind’s Gone Blank

It’s a Mental Block – My Mind’s Gone Blank

Don’t you hate that? You are in the middle of a sales presentation, or telling a funny story and suddenly, you can’t think of what comes next! Try as you might, the mind’s gone blank and you have no idea how to finish. It happened to me in a very public way many years...
Stressed Out? Look After Your Brain.

Stressed Out? Look After Your Brain.

For weeks you’ve been cramming for this exam and you got up early this morning to make sure that you had remembered everything. A lot hangs on this test – your promotion, for one. You can feel the tension rising but say to yourself, “It’s just exam nerves – it’s...