Boost Your Brain at Work

Boost Your Brain at Work

10 top tips to boost your brain power. Buy a good office chair, or get a standing desk.  Correct posture and ergonomics plays a HUGE part in productivity and brain function. Ban multitasking. Your brain cannot multitask. If you try, your brain has to switch back and...
Jazz Brains Are Different!

Jazz Brains Are Different!

  Jazz is in a class of its own. But you might not know That the brains of jazz players work DIFFERENTLY! Charles Limb, John Hopkins School of Medicine professor, loves jazz. He has a listening zone set up in his rooms. One day, listening to John Coltrane, he...

How Your Brain Forms a Habit

Did you make a New Year’s resolution?  Several? Most resolutions to do better are about forming habits. Recognize these? I must get physically fit I’ll lose weight I’ll quit smoking And you will have made that resolution before! Aristotle said:...
How to Improve Your Brain

How to Improve Your Brain

Everyone wants a sharp memory. And an alert brain. Trouble is, most want it to happen without actually having to do anything! And they want it NOW. Well, there are some quick fixes you can do today. (And hints about ways of doing things for longer term improvement)....