How to make Memory Traces.

How to make Memory Traces.

What are Memory Traces? If you find something new you want to remember later, firstly you need to pay close attention to the details. Then. using repetition, actions or taking a ‘mental photograph’ you connect what you need to remember in as many ways as...
What’s His Name Again?

What’s His Name Again?

Remember the days when you knew everyone’s name instantly? And recognized faces without a problem? In those days, you never seemed to have to struggle for clues – you just knew. You were probably about 14! Actually, until you find yourself searching frantically for a...
The Secret Strategy of Memory.

The Secret Strategy of Memory.

If you can improve only ONE aspect of your memory ….. This Is the One! Pay Attention. It isn’t always easy but here’s how you can. How to pay attention. Will yourself to remember; it takes a conscious effort but say to yourself:  focus, focus, focus!...
Forget Me Not!

Forget Me Not!

So there I was, sitting in the courtyard of a lovely little restaurant, enjoying the late summer sun, and the last mouthful of heavenly Chardonnay, when I heard my husband calling my name from the counter, where he was paying the bill. Something in his voice didn’t...