Daylight Saving Time in the US

Why can an hour’s time change in spring disrupt our body, sleep, and mental health? On March 12, most Americans will observe the start of daylight saving time (DST) and “spring forward” by setting their clocks one hour ahead. (The exceptions are people...
Will poor sleep make me fat?

Will poor sleep make me fat?

Is this you? You didn’t sleep well last night. Or the night before. And the one before that. You tossed and turned and watched the clock creep round. And now you are dead beat. Too tired to make a real breakfast. You grab a coffee and a doughnut and race to work…….....
Sleep Quiz – True or False?

Sleep Quiz – True or False?

      Test yourself on these common sayings about sleep.  1.  Sleep is time for the body in general and the brain specifically to shut down for rest. True or False? Mostly False.  Sleep is an active process involving specific cues for its regulation....
Sleep-deprived? How to help.

Sleep-deprived? How to help.

Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep? Read Ted’s story: Ted was exhausted. He seemed to wake every night after only 3 or 4 hours sleep. He knew it wasn’t enough. He woke up tired. He went to work tired. He came home...