How does exercise affect blood pressure?

Does exercise raise or lower your blood pressure? While you are exercising, your blood pressure (along with your pulse) goes up, to supply the additional blood flow that your exercising muscles need. Otherwise, regular exercise lowers your blood pressure throughout...

Don’t Know What to Do? Answer 3 Questions.

I’m offering it to you today in hopes that it can help you when everything swirls around in your head or you are facing a transition.    All you have to do is ask yourself three questions:  What is it too late for? What is it too soon for? What is it just the...

10 Conditions Doctors May Miss – and Why.

Colorectal cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer are the three most frequently missed diagnoses in outpatient clinics and academic medical centers, a January 2022 study published in JAMA Network Open found. Heart attack and prostate cancer round out the top five....

Rest: Phil’s Memory Saver

Brainfit reader, Phil Astley shares his experience in the hope that it can help others. “In 2019 I became a senior and was referred to the seniors team at our hospital (concerned about dementia). Their neuropsychologist quickly told me I didn’t have...

How to Deal with Frustration

Frustration is a type of emotional reaction to stress. It’s common to have this feeling when you encounter daily stressors at home, at school, at work, and in relationships. For example, you might get frustrated when your partner forgets to take care of an...