“The 85-year-olds of today are the 60-year-olds of 50 years ago.’ Professor Ngaire kerse.
What a study of 85-year-olds has taught us about ageing well.
You can open the link (in blue) to the Radio New Zealand website or play the interview directly from the button above.
Jesse Mulligan interviews Professor Ngaire Kerse who is a GP and the Head of the School of Population Health at the University of Auckland. Professor Kerse headed the LiLACS NZ longitudinal study, based in the Bay of Plenty. The 400 participants in this study were drawn from both Maori and non-Maori community.
There are important messages for all of us.
Further reading available on this link: https://www.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/en/faculty/lilacs.html
Ngaire Kerse PhD, MBChB, FRNZCGP
Professor and Head of School of Population Health
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
University of Auckland
New Zealand
Tel DD +64 (0) 9 923 4467 | Mob +64 (0) 274 393788 | Fax: +64 (0) 373 7624
wonderful interview. Interesting about the sizes of people and their likelihood of problems….I’m of slim build and no matter what I do there is no changing that so it seems I’m doomed even though I keep active and social! I love the idea of flatting as it’s the best of all worlds – company, social, gives a purpose to cook better meals.
Great comment which reminds me of the Serenity prayer commonly quoted as: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”