Have you tried these Balancing Tips?

Maintaining proper balance at any age requires attention, strength, and flexibility. One skill that can sharply decline with age, though, and often with little warning, is your sense of balance. “As people age, changes in flexibility, muscle strength and power,...

Balancing Improves Memory

Maintaining proper balance requires attention, strength, and flexibility. Published: January, 2020 from Harvard Health One skill that can sharply decline with age, and often with little warning, is your sense of balance. “As people age, changes in flexibility,...
Take Care of your Core

Take Care of your Core

Strengthening the muscles in your midsection may help you stay active and pain-free. First Published: Harvard Health, October, 2019 Whether you refer to it as a spare tire, a muffin top, or love handles, having a roll of fat around your waist is pretty common. But...
Is there a BEST exercise?

Is there a BEST exercise?

A Reader Asks Kris:  Is there a best exercise I can do? As an exercise professional specialising in appropriate exercise for older adults, I am frequently asked this question. Unfortunately, people tend not to like my answer as it goes along the lines of: “Well, if...
Do these 3 Things Every Day.

Do these 3 Things Every Day.

Kris Tynan’s 3 simple daily exercises that make a big difference Having good balance becomes increasingly important as we get older. A fall can result in anything from a few bruises and hurt pride to a fracture (commonly wrist, hip or arm) or even worse brain...