Why do you do this? You’re driving, looking for the street where you’re supposed to meet your friend for dinner. You slow down to a crawl, turn down the radio, stop talking, and stare at every sign. Why is that? Hearing the radio or talking doesn’t affect your...
Get these right and you’ll remember everything you need. Did you know that your brain is designed to forget? That’s right, to forget! No, it’s not a misprint – your brain is working hard all day forgetting things so that you are not having a brain overload...
What a nightmare it is when time is against you and you can’t find your keys, wallet or even your car! Why does this happen? And what can you do about it? Did you know that the human brain can focus on only one thing at a time? Maybe it is just for a nanosecond...
If you can improve only ONE aspect of your memory ….. This Is the One! Pay Attention. It isn’t always easy but here’s how you can. How to pay attention. Will yourself to remember; it takes a conscious effort but say to yourself: focus, focus, focus!...
So there I was, sitting in the courtyard of a lovely little restaurant, enjoying the late summer sun, and the last mouthful of heavenly Chardonnay, when I heard my husband calling my name from the counter, where he was paying the bill. Something in his voice didn’t...