6 Best Ways to Conquer Stress.

6 Best Ways to Conquer Stress.

You know the feeling …. Breathing is shallow, so oxygen gets into your blood quickly. The heart races, carrying oxygen and fuel to the muscles. You perspire, cooling the body because immediate action is required. There is  a queasy feeling as your stomach slows...
Mental Block Rescue Plan

Mental Block Rescue Plan

You KNOW what you planned to say. You KNOW that person’s name. You KNOW you can write that article or business plan So WHY are you stuck! WHY is your brain letting you down? And what can YOU DO to jump-start it again? These mental block moments occur in even the...
Boost Your Brain at Work

Boost Your Brain at Work

10 top tips to boost your brain power. Buy a good office chair, or get a standing desk.  Correct posture and ergonomics plays a HUGE part in productivity and brain function. Ban multitasking. Your brain cannot multitask. If you try, your brain has to switch back and...
It’s a Mental Block – My Mind’s Gone Blank

It’s a Mental Block – My Mind’s Gone Blank

Don’t you hate that? You are in the middle of a sales presentation, or telling a funny story and suddenly, you can’t think of what comes next! Try as you might, the mind’s gone blank and you have no idea how to finish. It happened to me in a very public way many years...