Brain Quiz – are you up-to-date?

Brain Quiz – are you up-to-date?

You know a lot about your brain – right?  Scientists are discovering more each day it seems. Are you up-to-date? See how you go on this quiz! (Click under each question to check your answer.) 1. My brain can juggle more than two conscious tasks at once. (a) True...
Memory – True or False?

Memory – True or False?

Memory and memory loss in is the news a lot these days. As a Brain Tuner, you know more than most! But there are SO many myths and old wives’ tales about memory and the brain out there. It CAN get confusing! Give yourself this quick test. Are the following...
Sleep Quiz – True or False?

Sleep Quiz – True or False?

      Test yourself on these common sayings about sleep.  1.  Sleep is time for the body in general and the brain specifically to shut down for rest. True or False? Mostly False.  Sleep is an active process involving specific cues for its regulation....