Exercising with Arthritis.

Exercising with Arthritis.

We all know how important exercise is for maintaining brain and vascular health. Dr Jian Guan from the University of Auckland’s Centre for Brain Research, recommends a gentle walk, 20 minutes a day. For most of us, this is easily achievable. But what if arthritis...
6 Tips to Keep You Walking

6 Tips to Keep You Walking

Why? Walking stimulates your brain. The important parts of your brain that control thinking and memory. They are the prefrontal cortex and medial temporal cortex and they have greater volume in people who exercise versus people who don’t. “Even more exciting is the...
Test Your Balance.

Test Your Balance.

All sorts of factors affect balance. And without good balance, the risk of a fall is higher. In most cases poor balance can be improved with regular balance exercises. Try this simple balance test. You’ll soon know if you should be adding balance training to...
Bridging Brings Big Benefits

Bridging Brings Big Benefits

Have you tried this exercise? The simple bridge can be done on the floor or on a bed. This exercise will activate the muscles in your lower back, glutes (buttocks) and hamstrings (back of thigh). It will also stretch out your hip flexors  (muscles crossing the front...
Vitamin D and Dementia

Vitamin D and Dementia

A daily dose of ‘D’ Half of all women and a third of all men over 60 are diagnosed with Osteoporosis and low Vitamin D. (New Zealand statistics). Half of the U.S. population over age 65 has insufficient or deficient levels of Vitamin D. “There is a recent and...
Is Turmeric a Wonder Spice?

Is Turmeric a Wonder Spice?

Last month, several of our Brain Tuners told us that Turmeric is an amazing spice we should be including in our diets (and our kitchen cupboards!) Turmeric has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat inflammatory conditions, skin diseases,...