Wardrobe Edit Winner – Lucie’s Story.

Wardrobe Edit Winner – Lucie’s Story.

Meet our Wardrobe Edit competition winner, Lucie. A wonderful few hours was spent with the competition winner Lucie, sorting through and decluttering her wardrobe with her two beautiful Burmese cats closely overseeing proceedings! The brief was to work through her...
To Throw or Not to Throw (out!)

To Throw or Not to Throw (out!)

That is the question! Did you have great intentions to declutter? Get mentally prepared for a good clear-out, open the wardrobe, start your ‘keep’, ‘donate’ or  ‘throw’ piles ….. Only to find your ‘keep’ pile grows exponentially? Let me guess: A...
Forget the Fads!

Forget the Fads!

Just eat real food. Many years ago I heard someone say “If your Granny wouldn’t recognise it, don’t eat it”. This resonated with me, sparked my passion for food and led me to train in Holistic Nutrition. The right food can literally change people’s lives. But these...
Healthy Eating – Low GI and High GI

Healthy Eating – Low GI and High GI

Eating for brain health does not mean radical changes to the amount you eat.  It isn’t a fad. It isn’t a new ‘diet’. It is simply about choosing a healthier option so that your blood sugar levels are kept low. That isn’t rocket science...
Simplify – Dressing-Room Rule of Three.

Simplify – Dressing-Room Rule of Three.

Does this sound familiar?  You’re in a clothing store dressing room. “It was made for you!” assures the over-enthusiastic sales assistant. Bright down-lights beam directly from above, full-length mirrors reflect your semi-naked self (often avoided by many of us) and...
How to De-Clutter.

How to De-Clutter.

How the sock drawer changed my life  Albert Einstein once said: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?” Had I lived in Einstein’s time, I’d have agreed. But this is NOW! Statistics show we’re now bombarded with...