Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

In 2016, the oldest of the baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, turned 70 years old.  Until the financial crisis, there had never been a better time in history to be 70. Boomers as a generation are more wealthy, living more interesting lives and...
Do Men Remember Better?

Do Men Remember Better?

Not when it comes to recognizing faces, no. Why is this? Why do women remember faces better than men? It’s simple really. And VERY easy to copy. It’s all to do with HOW women study facial features And HOW LONG they spend doing it. Here’s a summary of the study:...
Avoid or Delay Dementia Later in Life.

Avoid or Delay Dementia Later in Life.

I don’t know about you but I had not given a nanosecond’s thought to dementia – in fact, I wasn’t even certain what dementia was, exactly. Something to do with being demented or crazy, maybe ….. So I wasn’t exactly ready for being told that some of the odd...
Test Your Memory, True or False?

Test Your Memory, True or False?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard a lot of odd things said about memory. In truth, when I was younger, I didn’t really care! The other day, though, I was signing some papers when the phone rang. I chatted to my friend for a few minutes or so,...