Do Men Remember Better?

Do Men Remember Better?

Not when it comes to recognizing faces, no. Why is this? Why do women remember faces better than men? It’s simple really. And VERY easy to copy. It’s all to do with HOW women study facial features And HOW LONG they spend doing it. Here’s a summary of the study:...
Does Brain Training Work?

Does Brain Training Work?

Brain train­ing vs. men­tal stimulation? Any­thing you do involv­ing nov­elty, vari­ety, and chal­lenge stim­u­lates the brain and is a pleasurable way to pass time. Lifelong brain fit­ness, though, involves more. Crosswords or playing chess stimulate your brain and...
Is Brain Fitness Just a Fad?

Is Brain Fitness Just a Fad?

Why are so many people these days doing crosswords and Sudoku? Who cares about brain fitness? Is it just ‘the latest thing’? or does it really matter? At a recent international conference of brain and memory professionals, it was reported 84% of the 3165...