Can brain training work?

Can brain training work?

Yes, if it meets these 5 conditions Today we are confronted with a wide range of increasingly abstract and interconnected problems. Successfully dealing with this environment requires a highly fit brain, capable of adapting to new situations and challenges throughout...
Memory – True or False?

Memory – True or False?

Memory and memory loss in is the news a lot these days. As a Brain Tuner, you know more than most! But there are SO many myths and old wives’ tales about memory and the brain out there. It CAN get confusing! Give yourself this quick test. Are the following...
Brain Games on Robots

Brain Games on Robots

Have you talked with a robot lately? That’s just what seniors in Gore, New Zealand are doing. And they are playing Memory games on their iRobi’s, too. These amazing little desktop robots help seniors remember to take their medication, check blood pressure...
Does Brain Training Work?

Does Brain Training Work?

Brain train­ing vs. men­tal stimulation? Any­thing you do involv­ing nov­elty, vari­ety, and chal­lenge stim­u­lates the brain and is a pleasurable way to pass time. Lifelong brain fit­ness, though, involves more. Crosswords or playing chess stimulate your brain and...
Does Brain Tune Work?

Does Brain Tune Work?

Dear Gillian I have been meaning to contact you to thank you so much for that Brain Tune memory course. I really can’t thank you enough. I am so impressed with the generosity of your organization. You treated me like someone who had paid huge sums of money for that...