Are Your Eyes Deceiving You?

Are Your Eyes Deceiving You?

Can you rely on what you see? Your brain has a lot of work to do when you are trying to interpret an image. Both right and left brain connections are being activated as you understand where the artist is leading you. Maurits Cornelis Escher (usually M. C. Escher) was...

How Your Brain Forms a Habit

Did you make a New Year’s resolution?  Several? Most resolutions to do better are about forming habits. Recognize these? I must get physically fit I’ll lose weight I’ll quit smoking And you will have made that resolution before! Aristotle said:...
How can I find that word?

How can I find that word?

Has this ever happened to you? You go to say something – everyone’s quiet, waiting for you AND. the WORD you want. VANISHES! It’s on the tip of your tongue ….. But it’s gone. You laugh and everyone forgives you but you HATE that happening Because it is a sign of...
It’s On The Tip Of My Tongue.

It’s On The Tip Of My Tongue.

A family meal was in progress and there was lively discussion about the latest neighbourhood scandal. Forty-something, Ben J. had taken off with the 18 year-old babysitter. Hilarity prevailed as one after the other of us imagined what might become of the odd couple....
Short Term Memory Loss. Let Me Sleep On That.

Short Term Memory Loss. Let Me Sleep On That.

I’ve just come back from the store where I spent nearly two hours trying to decide which skirt to buy. Would you believe it? I narrowed it down to two but then my brain seemed to go completely blank and I couldn’t remember all the items I already owned that would go...