Where do New Ideas Come From?

Where do New Ideas Come From?

Your brain LOVES creativity! If you are already thinking It’s not for me! Now may be the time to reconsider. “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.” Dr. Seuss. Not only is creativity fun, medical...
FOCUS Changes Lives. Read Barbara’s Story

FOCUS Changes Lives. Read Barbara’s Story

I have been worried about dementia since my sixties. At 75 I found I was losing keys, couldn’t remember the names of books, authors and people, constantly mislaid things and couldn’t remember places or events. If I was this bad at 75 – what would I be like if I lived...
Why do we forget names?

Why do we forget names?

Brain Tuners tell us that their biggest memory let-down is NAMES! Take Ted, for example. My biggest concern is forgetting names.  Sometimes they are names of people I have known for some time although they are not people that are close friends, but still, it’s...
Exercising with Arthritis.

Exercising with Arthritis.

We all know how important exercise is for maintaining brain and vascular health. Dr Jian Guan from the University of Auckland’s Centre for Brain Research, recommends a gentle walk, 20 minutes a day. For most of us, this is easily achievable. But what if arthritis...
6 Great Ways to Conquer Stress.

6 Great Ways to Conquer Stress.

You know the feeling …. Breathing is shallow, so oxygen gets into your blood quickly. The heart races, carrying oxygen and fuel to the muscles. You perspire, cooling the body because immediate action is required. There is  a queasy feeling as your stomach slows...