Turn Down the Radio! I’m Lost.

Why do you do this? You’re driving, looking for the street where you’re supposed to meet your friend for dinner. You slow down to a crawl, turn down the radio, stop talking, and stare at every sign. Why is that? Hearing the radio or talking doesn’t affect your...
Have trouble focusing?

Have trouble focusing?

Are you learning something new? And finding it difficult to concentrate? You are not alone! This is a very common issue that drives over-loaded (and aging) brains crazy!   Quick tips to help you focus Keep food on your desk. Glucose helps your brain focus. Turn...
Santa Brain Test

Santa Brain Test

Can you control what your brain ‘sees’? Find out with this two-minute video: Did you almost FEEL your brain working? It is SO easy to get distracted! Memory changes happen to all of us around the age of 50. It gets harder to focus on what’s important while...
The Secret Strategy of Memory.

The Secret Strategy of Memory.

If you can improve only ONE aspect of your memory ….. This Is the One! Pay Attention. It isn’t always easy but here’s how you can. How to pay attention. Will yourself to remember; it takes a conscious effort but say to yourself:  focus, focus, focus!...
Remember What Your Teacher Said? Pay Attention.

Remember What Your Teacher Said? Pay Attention.

Pay attention! I don’t know about you, but I can see our teacher, old Mr. Howarth, saying sternly, ‘Pay attention! Your minds are wandering!’ As I visualize the classroom filled with hot, squirmy kids on a Friday afternoon, he was probably right. (And actually, he...