A Spoonful of Sugar?

A Spoonful of Sugar?

Can sugar make you forgetful?  Slow your brain?   A recent study suggests sugar sabotages learning and memory. Whilst we are familiar with the ‘too much sugar causes obesity’ message, little attention has been paid to its impact on mental health.  This is changing....
I Know I’ve forgotten something!

I Know I’ve forgotten something!

MOMENTS of forgetfulness are among those small blows to self-esteem that can lead people to worry about declining intelligence or impending dementia. Those moments of dreadful realisation that you have forgotten an important appointment, the pungent smell of burning...

Brain Week News

Hello again, March is Brain Awareness Month. All over the world, people like you are thinking about the way their brain works and what can be done to guard against memory loss. You’ve already taken important steps in this direction and below we bring you more...
Statins may cause Memory Loss.

Statins may cause Memory Loss.

Nearly 50% of me and 35% of women in the 60-74 age group are reported to have taken Statins in the past 30 days, reports the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). That is astonishing! Especially so because there is a mounting body of evidence that statins...
Preventing Alzheimer’s

Preventing Alzheimer’s

Considerable research into the causes and effects of Alzheimer’s disease is being conducted world-wide. This has been on-going ever since Alois Alzheimer first described the disease in 1906. Even so, there is still no cure. There have been positive advances into ways...