Why can’t I remember young people?

Why can’t I remember young people?

“I have no trouble with people my own age! Of course, I’m an ‘oldie’ ……..” from a reader. Dr Lamont replied: One of the exciting aspects of our wonderful brain is its ability to adapt to the tasks we need it to do. Growing new brain...
Help! I Can’t Recognise Faces.

Help! I Can’t Recognise Faces.

Did you know that 2 – 2.5% of the population battles daily with recognising faces? That’s in in every 50 people. It is surprisingly common in varying degrees. Not many people talk about it Or recognise that is is an issue for those who struggle with it every...
Brain Games on Robots

Brain Games on Robots

Have you talked with a robot lately? That’s just what seniors in Gore, New Zealand are doing. And they are playing Memory games on their iRobi’s, too. These amazing little desktop robots help seniors remember to take their medication, check blood pressure...
Do Men Remember Better?

Do Men Remember Better?

Not when it comes to recognizing faces, no. Why is this? Why do women remember faces better than men? It’s simple really. And VERY easy to copy. It’s all to do with HOW women study facial features And HOW LONG they spend doing it. Here’s a summary of the study:...